Children & Youth
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Children and youth are loved at First Presbyterian!
While all children are welcome to remain in worship on Sunday mornings, there is also an opportunity to leave prior to the sermon for time in the nursery (birth-preK) or Children & Worship (preK-5th grade). Because communion is foundational to our faith, on the Sundays when it is celebrated, older children remain in the sanctuary to celebrate the sacrament with their families.
While all children are welcome to remain in worship on Sunday mornings, there is also an opportunity to leave prior to the sermon for time in the nursery (birth-preK) or Children & Worship (preK-5th grade). Because communion is foundational to our faith, on the Sundays when it is celebrated, older children remain in the sanctuary to celebrate the sacrament with their families.

The First Presbyterian Church Youth Group (middle school and high school) meets bi-weekly at the home of pastor Andrew Miller. With a meal, a study of the worship theme/passages of the day and usually some raucous laughter and games, this group forms bonds as they strengthen their faith together.

In addition to these groups and activities, children and youth actively participate in the life of the church through service and mission projects, participation on the session (governing board) and teams of the church, confirmation classes, volunteering in the church nursery, serving as worship leadership through music, speaking, and drama, and a variety of other opportunities.